
product details

Software Engineering

Stock Left:25

Publisher::Khanna Publishing

Seller:John Doe

ISBN-10: 9788190611633

ISBN-13: 978-8190611633


The book consists in all about 1200 exercises based on the topics and sub-topics covered.

  • 656
  • English
  • 857 g


About BookEach covers the contents up to a reasonable depth necessary for the intended readers in the field. The book consists in all about 1200 exercises based on the topics and sub-topics covered. Keeping in view the emerging trends in newly emerging scenario with new dimension of software Engg., the book specially includes the following chapters, but not limited to these only.Table of Content1.Historical Evolution of Software Engg.2.Software Lifecycle Models3.Software Project Management4.Software Project Estimation & Risk Management5.Requirements Engg. & Specifications6.Software Design Fundamentals7.Software Design Strategies & Methods8.Structured Analysis & Design Tools9.User Interface Design10.Coding11.Software testing Techniques & Strategies12.Software Measures, Metrics & Models13.Software Quality & Quality Assurance14.Software Quality Standards & Models15.Software Reliability & Reliability Models16.Software Safety & Hazard Analysis17.Computer Aided Software Engg. Tools18.Software Maintenance & Costs19.Software Configuration Management20.Software Reuse & Activities21.Component- Based Software Engg.22.Software Architecture23.Software Documentation24.Software Re-Engg.

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